Friday, August 31, 2018

Co-creation @ Hotel Design Elkus Manfredi

Co-creation at Elkus Manfredi utilizes the employee’s expertise who are extremely familiar with customer’s daily needs provide their input through the phases of the design process which ultimately enhanced guest experience at three of their exclusive properties. “To design hotels that express a premier brand in fresh, innovative yet consistent new ways, Elkus Manfredi Architects applies a discipline we call ‘co-creation’. From the very beginning, we bring a diverse set of contributors to the design process. Developers, architects, graphic artists, interior designers, engineers, textile designers… an entire orchestra of talents assembles to create the symphony of innovative design.”, said Elizabeth Lowrey.

Since each hotel is designed in unique way best employees creative and critical insights in terms of unique customer profiles, location significance and preferred brand experiences are prioritized by the designers and the hotel design process includes them. The design team along with property owners and managers initialize the top level goals and the process of gathering insights kickstarts through casual and formal conversations with employees from all levels right from bottom to top level. Other strategies include brain storming sessions and storytelling methods are also used. As design elements evolve, the team returns to particular employees for reaction, always keeping top leadership in the loop. Sometimes leadership is surprised by the creative contributions of front-line employees, whose suggestions are based on guests’ daily experiences as well as a hotel’s brand aspirations.

Co-creation builds  a sense of ownership among employees and other stakeholders  resulting in improved design and creates a sense that employees are heard and valued. Managers learn things they didn’t know about operations, including ways to improve their staff’s workplaces and job satisfaction. The design process improves  the teamwork, enhances employee recognition thus leading to customer-centric employees. With co-creation, employees and designers together set the stage for a beautiful production that lets the audience walk away happy.